SCLP Event Summaries
Below are summaries of our previous SCLP Networking Mixers and Speaker Luncheons
speaker Kenny Mak, Sales Director, Swivel Software
- guest speaker Yvonne Ho, General Manager Hong Kong, IATA
- guest speaker Sunny Ho, Executive Director, The HK Shippers Council
- guest speaker Sunny Ho, Executive Director, The HK Shippers Council
- guest speaker Kelvin Wong, Blockchain Delivery Leader, Deloitte
- guest speaker Peter Levesque, Chief Executive Officer, Modern Terminals
- guest speaker Stephen Chan, Managing Director, Power Hub Limited
guest speaker - Dr Jonathan Beard, Head of Transportation & Logistics Asia, Arcadis
- guest speaker Nick Foxall, Founder & CEO Dronesurvey Asia
- guest speakers - Peter Murphy, Partner and Edward Beeley, Associate of HFW
- guest speaker Andrew Pindar OBE DL, Volvo Race Ambassador
- guest speaker Dr. Jonathan Beard, Head of Transportation & Logistics, Arcadis
- guest speaker Stephen Leung Senior Vice President Cross Border Operations of LAZADA
- guest speaker - Nick Foxall, Founder & CEO of Dronesurvey Asia
- guest speaker Su Yin Anand, Partner at Ince & Co
- guest speaker Steve Saxon, Partner at McKinsey & Company
- guest speaker Ms Phyllis Li Chi-miu JP, Deputy Director of Planning for the HKSAR Government
- guest speaker Filippo Gori, Business Development Director of International Brands at
- guest speaker Wai-duen Lee of ICF International discussing the topic: "Hong Kong Container Port - Past, Present and Future"
- with guest speaker Andrew Rigden Green, Partner, Stephenson Harwood
- with guest speaker Louis Li, Deputy General Manager, JD Worldwide
- guest speaker YIM Man-Lung, Senior Manager, HKSAR Transport and Housing Bureau introduced the 'Hong Kong Maritime Industry Week'
- with guest speaker Ms Jenny Hui, Senior Manager, Marketplace Development, eBay International
– with guest speaker Nicholas Kwan, Director of Research at HKTDC
- with guest speaker Farrukh Syed, Chief Commercial Officer Crossborder, Lazada Group
– with guest speaker Tim Smith, Chief Executive, Maersk Line North Asia
- with guest speaker Ms Su Yin Anand, Partner, Ince & Co